papilloma on the tongue

Patient seeks help from a dermatologist if papilloma is found on the tongue

Papilloma on the tongue is a dangerous manifestation of the activity of the virus and develops from epithelial cells. It can form not only on the surface of the tongue, but also on the mucous membranes in the oral cavity. Such neoplasms are painful, bleeding is often noted, their appearance is associated with inflammation.

What is papilloma on the tongue?

It is not difficult to detect the presence of a growth on the surface of the tongue. This outgrowth is characterized by a rounded shape, protrudes above the mucous membrane and has a wide base.

Papillomas on the tongue are a dangerous manifestation of HPV. Symptoms: Outgrowths on the tongue are rounded, up to 2 cm in size, resembling a nipple, soft in texture.

Diagnosis: Differential diagnosis in oncological diseases of the tongue. Treatment: antiviral, immunocorrectors, removal.

The size of the formation is from 2 mm to 2 cm. Location: mainly on the back or edges of the tongue. In some cases - at its peak or below. If the neoplasm is located near the root of the tongue, then it can be identified only during a medical examination or if it is profusely growing.

Outside, the papilloma looks like a nipple, it is similar in color to the neighboring tissues and soft in structure. Both single and multiple growths are formed on the surface of the tongue.

Often, due attention is not paid to the presence of papillomas in the tongue and a specialist is consulted when the growths have reached an impressive size or their number has increased significantly.

The papilloma itself does not cause pain or itching. However, due to the frequent violation of the growth, there is severe pain and bleeding. In addition, growth disrupts the process of chewing, swallowing, speaking, and sometimes breathing.

Papillomas on the tongue are often found in the practice of dentists and otolaryngologists. Removal is usually performed by ENT doctors.

The radio wave method is used more often than others.

Exciter Features:

  • laboratory signvisiblenot immediately after infection. It takes about 3 months for growths to be detected.
  • The virus can appear in people with low levelsImmunity.Experts advise people infected with HPV to have themselves tested for HIV.
  • In some cases recovery is possibleon his own.Warts may go away on their own during the recovery period.
  • eliminationExternal symptoms do not lead to the elimination of the viral agent. There is no specific etiological therapy, antiviral agents are used in the treatment. They are effective in the presence of herpes virus, hepatitis and other infections.


Having identified growths on the surface of the tongue or in the throat, it is necessary to determine which variety this condyloma belongs to. They are divided into 2 types:

  • Reactive.Papillomas are the result of the adverse effects of various irritants. These are mainly mechanical, chemical, thermal or infectious lesions.
  • neoplastic.Very seldom seen. Outwardly, they resemble ordinary multiple nodular growths. They are presented in groups or single papules.

Papillomas that appear on the surface of the tongue or in the throat in children and adults also distinguish 2 types.


This is a growth under the tongue that has a light pink hue and a sharp shape. In some cases they can grow.

Externally similar to the cauliflower inflorescence. A similar neoplasm is formed on the leg. Small but causes significant pain.

Sometimes there is discomfort when swallowing. The pointed papilloma bothers, rubs against the teeth and cheeks. A favorite location for this wart is the area under the tongue.

You must be extremely careful. Self-therapy is forbidden. Treatment is allowed only under the supervision of a specialist.


They are characterized by clearly pronounced contours, protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. They are in the throat, on the tonsils, on a small tongue. They don't cause much pain. They are extremely difficult to spot.

Any examination should be performed by a doctor in a hospital. Self-treatment can have consequences for people's lives and health. Therapy involves the use of various drugs. Surgical intervention is not required.

If such growths appear in children, their difference will be the overgrowth of the tissues of the mucous membrane of a small tongue.

location zones

Growths select areas on the oral mucosa that are regularly injured. If the stroma is involved in the ongoing inflammation, the outgrowth grows intensively. This is because the stroma is the basis for organs.

It is formed from connective tissue saturated with blood and lymphatic vessels with multiple nerve endings. Such an environment is favorable for condylomas. It immediately begins to grow, turns into an ulcer, bleeds and causes severe discomfort.

Neoplasms that are individually localized on the surface of the tongue require special attention. Similar symptoms are characteristic of women. The result is neuralgia.

Even if the warts are in a place where they are invisible, sensations in the oral cavity cause significant discomfort.


Papilloma on the tongue is difficult to remain invisible. Unpleasant sensations, burning, pain are concentrated in a certain point on the surface of the tongue.

The patient examines the affected area and discovers a slight white growth that looks like a pus-filled pimple. The main reason for the appearance of genital warts on the surface of the tongue is human infection with HPV.

This is influenced by a number of provoking factors:

  • reduced workimmunesystems.
  • smoking tobacco.
  • overuseAlcohol.
  • receptiondrugs.
  • chaoticsexya life.
  • ContinuouscoldsDiseases.
  • Self-administration of oralcontraceptives.


Before visiting a doctor, a person needs to find out what worries him. It is necessary to identify the location of the discomfort on the surface of the tongue. In children this is a stabbing or pulling pain, in adults it is a foreign body sensation or incessant discomfort in a specific part of the tongue.

More precisely, it is possible to determine papilloma for the following reasons:

  • The growth is onLeg.
  • surfaceWarts are mild.
  • hueWarts resemble the shade of the tongue.
  • DimensionsRange from 2mm to 2cm.

A popular place for growths are the side walls of the tongue. Less often - below or on top.

The neoplasm does not cause severe pain, but there is discomfort or a foreign body sensation. Often there is more than one growth, with a thorough examination it is possible to identify a whole group of small neoplasms.

A correct attitude to one's own health will help to identify papilloma in the tongue in time.


The growth on the front of the tongue is immediately visible. It interferes with normal eating, conversation, bleeding as it is easy to hook and damage.

This provokes unpleasant pain sensations. If the condyloma is located in the oral cavity, for example, on the soft palate or on the back of the tongue, it is permissible to accidentally notice it when examined by a patient specialist. Having found a growth, the doctor examines its structure.

Papilloma has a soft structure. And the shade is slightly lighter than the mucous membrane. If it's in the oral cavity, it will be rough.

A neoplasm in a child has one difference: warts seem to cover the tongue, cover the entire soft palate and reach the tonsils. It is much easier to spot in children than in adults.

When examining people in old age, special attention should be paid: they often develop a malignant tumor resembling a condyloma. Only in cancer at the base of the tissue from which the growth is formed is there a clear seal.


A neoplasm under the tongue or in the oral cavity is treated under the supervision of a dermatologist. After a thorough and comprehensive study, he has to prescribe medication. In some cases, warts can be surgically removed.

Medical therapy

Drug treatment consists in observing the following regulations:

  • uselocalTherapy with an oil solution of vitamin A if there are no indications for surgical removal of the growth.
  • Usageinterferons,that reduce the amount of viral DNA in the focus of pathology.
  • Simultaneous applicationimmunostimulatingantiviral drugs.

There is currently no effective remedy that can help get rid of HPV completely. The use of drugs should be agreed with a specialist.

antiviral treatment

Antiviral therapy involves the use of drugs to eliminate the development of HPV. Vitamin complexes are prescribed, they contribute to the activation of the body's defenses. The specialist recommends a balanced diet and an active lifestyle.

According to statistics, patients with papillomas have a weakened immune system. People with high immunity are carriers of HPV, but at the same time they do not have any manifestations on the skin.

The specialist prescribes immunomodulating agents, a vitamin complex and restorative drugs. It should be remembered: immunity cannot be increased by pills in one day. Medications are aimed at maintaining a weakened body in a critical period.


HPV is one of the few strains of virus against which a vaccine has been developed. It contains organic substances that are similar in structure to the structure of living HPV viruses. Immunity to real pathogens is perfectly developed.

Before vaccination must be excluded:

  • Pregnancy.Get tested or do a blood test.
  • Serious commitmentmedicalMedium.
  • Othervaccinations.
  • seriousillnessBlood.

Vaccinations are carried out intramuscularly. Dangerous side effects are observed extremely rarely.


The method by which the papilloma will be removed must be selected by the attending specialist. It depends on the location, the characteristics of the organism. There are the following ways to eliminate neoplasms:

  • surgicalExcision with a surgical scalpel. After the procedure, a "cauterization" is performed. A similar technique is used in the presence of individual growths or when they are inaccessible and it is impossible to use other methods.
  • laserelimination. The most effective, painless method with no side effects. The disadvantage is the high cost of the procedure.
  • electrocoagulation.The procedure involves cauterizing the growth with electricity. The disadvantages include painful manipulations and a long rehabilitation period.
  • radio waveSurgery. The technique is similar to the previous one, but instead of electricity, high-frequency radio waves act on the papilloma. Pain is insignificant, the minimum number of side effects and a short rehabilitation period.
  • cryo destruction.The most unpopular surgical method of getting rid of papillomas on the tongue. The neoplasm is removed by exposure to cold. The wart is frozen to liquid nitrogen temperature. The growth will freeze and die within a week.

If the technique involves the excision of the wart, then the biomaterial is sent for histological diagnosis to analyze the structure of the growth.


When papillomas appear on the tongue, the patient feels some discomfort. So while eating, the growth can easily come off. In addition, formations are visible during the conversation and contribute to a change in speech.

The formations of the pointed type bring not only physical, but also psychological inconveniences. Against the background of such a condition, a person can feel embarrassed at an appointment with a dentist, ENT. Complexes also appear when communicating with other people.

A serious danger is the localization of growths inside the oral cavity, as they can provoke the penetration of another infection, which leads to an increased risk of blood poisoning. All this often leads to oncological diseases, which often end fatally.


It is not difficult to take measures to protect against this pathology. Minimize the risk of HPV infection by:

  • avoid accidentally and unprotectedgenitalcontacts, use contraception;
  • use personal itemsHygiene;
  • dovaccinationof HPV in children and women at a young age.

If the infection has already occurred, it is necessary to prevent the activation of the viral pathogen due to weakened immunity:

  • use complexesvitamins;
  • get rid of evilHabits;
  • avoidstressfulsituations and stress.

HPV infection should not be neglected and its manifestations should not remain without proper treatment by a qualified doctor.

Papilloma on the tongue is a dangerous formation that requires a mandatory visit to a highly qualified doctor. The main task of the patient is to detect the growth in time and seek help from a specialist.